With winter temperatures sneaking in more and more regularly at night, it won't be long before fall leaves will be replaced by sparkling snow and the scent of evergreen will fill the
Brinkerhoff home as it is readied for Christmas.
HOLIDAY DECORATING Anyone who is interested in helping with decorating should contact Dore
Skeels at 787-4726. Decorating will be done during the day only starting Saturday, November 10 through the following week. If you can donate a few hours on any given day it would be appreciated.
The annual Champagne Party is scheduled for Saturday, December 1st from 4-7 p.m. Many of your old friends will be there, it will be a great way to start the holiday season. It is another chance to see why we are members of the Brinkerhoff Foundation – good times, good friends and to preserve our past.

The Open House will take place on Sunday, December 9th from 2-4 p.m. Punch and cookies will be available and there is no charge. Please bring your friends to tour the Home and enjoy its special ambiance.
The Brinkerhoff Cookbook will make the ideal gift for the holidays. At only $10.00 everyone – teachers, doctors, lawyers and Indian Chiefs to old Aunt Prissy will appreciate it and wouldn’t it be the perfect stocking stuffer? You can pick up a few of the cookbooks at two upcoming holiday functions The annual Candlelight Christmas Party or the Open House, December 1st and 9th respectively. If you are unable to attend either function, you can obtain a cookbook or two by calling Penny Greek at 546-8890 or email pgreek1@insightbb.com. Thanks for supporting our cause.
If interested in renting the Home for an event – wedding, reception, shower – please contact Nancy Nolan at 528-5087.
By the time we have the next newsletter, there will be a new President elected for the Brinkerhoff Foundation. I wish that person well and give him my hearty congratulations and warm wishes. To all of you, thank you for your efforts on behalf of the Foundation. It has been a pleasure working with each of you for the greater good. I would expect to stay involved, either by baking, serving or however needed. Again, thank you.
Susan Canny
Editors Note:
With the upcoming Christmas events I will have come full circle; having pictured the Brinkerhoff home in all its seasonal attire. You have seen some of these pictures on this blog. Aside from designing and maintaining the blog, I have also created a web site picture gallery. It can be seen at http://www.brinkerhoffhome.org/ . I have found my relationship with The Brinkerhoff Foundation to be very rewarding and it is my intention to continue this relationship to bring the beauty of the Brinkerhoff home to the Internet. I have enjoyed working with the current president Susan Canny and all Foundation board members and applaud them all for their hard work and dedication. I look forward to working with the new president in the future. My primary goal for next year will be to expand the Brinkerhoffhome website to include more than just a picture gallery. If there is something you would like to see on this Blog or on the website in the future, click on "comments" below. From there, you can add your two cents to this posting and make recommendations for future postings.
May this joyous season bring you peace and happiness that continues throughout the new year.
Dulany F Sriner