Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Fall News


Due to cancellation of the Fall Fair by the school, we are having a rummage sale in the Home on October 4, 2008 from 8 a.m. – NOON. We will also have some baked goods, collectibles, household items, plants, etc.


Sunday, October 19, 2008
3:00 p.m.

Tickets $15.00 per person

Come join us as we welcome autumn by sipping tea, munch on delightful scones and finger sandwiches, and enjoy decadent desserts with friends on a lazy fall Sunday afternoon. We will be listening to the wonderful sounds of Janice Mulrooney-Kuhn at the Harp. Seating will be limited to eighty guests so mail your check with the completed reservation form as soon as possible. Please call Sharon Strasbaugh at 529-5624 and forward your check by Monday, October 13 to Sharon at 5605 Grissom Drive, Springfield, IL 62711. Tickets will be mailed to you.


English Tea

Scones served with
Devonshire Cream and Lemon Curd

Olive Nut Sandwiches
Delectable Shrimp Tarts
Chicken Salad Sandwiches

Pumpkin Cheesecakes
Sinful Chocolate Treats
Apricot Balls


The Home has purchased a new Howard Miller “Arendal” chiming wall clock that has been placed in the dining room. A mantle or anniversary clock would be a welcome addition to the Home. If you have one that you would like to donate, we have a place waiting for it. Books are still needed for the library. Contact Dore Skeels at 787-4726.


Welcome new member, Lanley Dawyer.


Name_______________________Phone Number ___________________

Number of Reservations _______@ $15.00 per person = Total


Please enclose check for the total amount and mail with this form to:

Sharon Strasbaugh
5605 Grissom Drive
Springfield, IL 62711

Reservations must be received no later than Monday, October 13, 2008.

If you come across any tea napkins, tea towels, or tea pots while cleaning out your treasures, please remember that we are always in need of such for our annual teas.

Friday, September 12, 2008

The Brinkerhoff annual Fall Fair scheduled for September 13 th has been cancelled due to anticipated inclement weather.

weather doesn't cooperate - Fall Fair Cancelled

What a summer! You might suspect from my lack of summertime entries that it has been a busy time for me. I got behind when I was getting ready for the Spring Fair and I never got caught up. I only have time to update now because this was my prep time for tomorrow's cancelled fair.

It all started before the spring fair as I was trying to get pictures printed and framed for my maiden voyage onto the Sea of Summer Fair Vending. After many late nights, and a lot of miscellaneous expenses, I was ready. The day was threatening when we arrived before 7am. It was cold and windy. Some of the vendors had set up the night before and the billowing tents gave an indication of things to come.

Along with fellow vendors, we set up hoping for the best. (Pictured above) Shortly before the 9am opening a mist was added to the mix. Out came the plastic tarps to shield the pictures and frames. We had a water resistant canopy and makeshift side curtains. Our neighbor to our right was not so prepared. Her uncovered educational toys were fair game for the ever intensifying misty rain. She tried to protect the cardboard boxes but was simply unprepared and packed up within the first hour.

To our left, a lone vendor shivered in her unprotected spot covered only by her umbrella. (below) She eventually moved to the site vacated by the educational toys booth to get some protection from the overhanging tree and found a car blanket to wrap around her.

All across the grounds, similar events were taking place. The wind didn't slack off as we had hoped but the rain subsided and we were able to take off the plastic covering. The longer we sat the colder it got and we could see vendors starting to get restless. The same inclement weather that was bringing shivers to our bodies was keeping fair goers at home. Only the most hardy ventured out and most were quick to go in the Brinkerhoff Home to warm up and have some fresh coffee. We would see them scurry by clenching their spring wraps around them.

The weather turned from bad to worse. Winds were tossing tents like sagebrush on the open range. Expensive set-ups were sent toppling into the tents next door. Soon, it was evident the fight was not winnable. We packed up our limited supplies called it quits!

As we made a last walk through the grounds, an elderly couple caught my eye. I don't remember what they were selling but I had to think they were probably trying to supplement their limited Social Security income selling handmade goods. They were still holding on in hopes the weather would clear and at least pay the booth fee. It made me sad. I sold 3 pictures and almost got my fee back. I had to look at the rest of my costs as investment. The Fall Fair would surely be better.

I was out of town for the Ice Cream Social but it was also plagued by rain and was moved indoors.

Just about an hour ago, I got a call to tell me tomorrows fair was cancelled. I was somewhat relieved. I didn't want to experience another Spring Fair. So we have come from Fair to Fair and the summer is all but gone. Fortunately the next Brinkerhoff events will be inside out of the weather.

50/50 Raffle Tickets Enclosed

Tickets for the 50/50 drawing to be held at the Fall Fair are enclosed with this newsletter. Tickets are $1 each or six for $5. Attendance is not required.

Please send your completed ticket stubs and donation to Kevin Beatty, 140 Sidener Lane, Springfield, Illinois 62707.

The Home will be open to the public during the fair. Tours will be free.

Penny Greek (546-8890) and her committee are looking for those “special” items (antiques, collectibles, china, crystal, etc) that you might like to donate for the Silent Auction. Bids will be taken until 2:00 p.m.

Country Kitchen will need baked goods for the Fair. Suggestions are pies, cakes, breads, cookies, pizelles or brownies. We would appreciate it if you would package and label the goods in zip lock bags. Cakes, pies and breads should be labeled and covered in saran or clear wrap. Baked items can be dropped off at the Home on Friday, September 12 from 8 am – 2 pm. If baked items cannot be delivered on Friday, we need them no later than 8 am on Saturday. If you are unable to bake an item and wish to donate to the Home, please send your check made payable to the Brinkerhoff Home, 1500 N. 5th Street, Springfield, IL 62702.

Vose’s concession will be serving food.


Keep in mind the date for the Victorian Tea. The event will be chaired by Sharon Strasbaugh. Mark your calendars now so you won’t miss this event.


Welcome to new member, Wendy Porch-Casey.


If you have any change of address, phone number or any deletions, please contact Nancy Nolan at 528-5087.


Just a reminder – if you haven’t paid your dues for 2008, please remit your check made payable to the Brinkerhoff Home.


Despite the weather, the July 11th ice cream social was held indoors and was quite a success. Thanks to all who helped!!


If you are interested in renting the Home for a wedding, reception, shower, dinner party, etc., please contact Nancy Nolan at 528-5087.