Due to cancellation of the Fall Fair by the school, we are having a rummage sale in the Home on October 4, 2008 from 8 a.m. – NOON. We will also have some baked goods, collectibles, household items, plants, etc.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
3:00 p.m.
Tickets $15.00 per person
Come join us as we welcome autumn by sipping tea, munch on delightful scones and finger sandwiches, and enjoy decadent desserts with friends on a lazy fall Sunday afternoon. We will be listening to the wonderful sounds of Janice Mulrooney-Kuhn at the Harp. Seating will be limited to eighty guests so mail your check with the completed reservation form as soon as possible. Please call Sharon Strasbaugh at 529-5624 and forward your check by Monday, October 13 to Sharon at 5605 Grissom Drive, Springfield, IL 62711. Tickets will be mailed to you.
English Tea
Scones served with
Devonshire Cream and Lemon Curd
Olive Nut Sandwiches
Delectable Shrimp Tarts
Chicken Salad Sandwiches
Pumpkin Cheesecakes
Sinful Chocolate Treats
Apricot Balls
The Home has purchased a new Howard Miller “Arendal” chiming wall clock that has been placed in the dining room. A mantle or anniversary clock would be a welcome addition to the Home. If you have one that you would like to donate, we have a place waiting for it. Books are still needed for the library. Contact Dore Skeels at 787-4726.
Welcome new member, Lanley Dawyer.
Name_______________________Phone Number ___________________
Number of Reservations _______@ $15.00 per person = Total
Please enclose check for the total amount and mail with this form to:
Sharon Strasbaugh
5605 Grissom Drive
Springfield, IL 62711
Reservations must be received no later than Monday, October 13, 2008.
If you come across any tea napkins, tea towels, or tea pots while cleaning out your treasures, please remember that we are always in need of such for our annual teas.
Due to cancellation of the Fall Fair by the school, we are having a rummage sale in the Home on October 4, 2008 from 8 a.m. – NOON. We will also have some baked goods, collectibles, household items, plants, etc.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
3:00 p.m.
Tickets $15.00 per person
Come join us as we welcome autumn by sipping tea, munch on delightful scones and finger sandwiches, and enjoy decadent desserts with friends on a lazy fall Sunday afternoon. We will be listening to the wonderful sounds of Janice Mulrooney-Kuhn at the Harp. Seating will be limited to eighty guests so mail your check with the completed reservation form as soon as possible. Please call Sharon Strasbaugh at 529-5624 and forward your check by Monday, October 13 to Sharon at 5605 Grissom Drive, Springfield, IL 62711. Tickets will be mailed to you.
English Tea
Scones served with
Devonshire Cream and Lemon Curd
Olive Nut Sandwiches
Delectable Shrimp Tarts
Chicken Salad Sandwiches
Pumpkin Cheesecakes
Sinful Chocolate Treats
Apricot Balls
The Home has purchased a new Howard Miller “Arendal” chiming wall clock that has been placed in the dining room. A mantle or anniversary clock would be a welcome addition to the Home. If you have one that you would like to donate, we have a place waiting for it. Books are still needed for the library. Contact Dore Skeels at 787-4726.
Welcome new member, Lanley Dawyer.
Name_______________________Phone Number ___________________
Number of Reservations _______@ $15.00 per person = Total
Please enclose check for the total amount and mail with this form to:
Sharon Strasbaugh
5605 Grissom Drive
Springfield, IL 62711
Reservations must be received no later than Monday, October 13, 2008.
If you come across any tea napkins, tea towels, or tea pots while cleaning out your treasures, please remember that we are always in need of such for our annual teas.