The Brinkerhoff Spring Fair got off to a good start with beautiful weather and got better as the day went by. It wasn't until the very end that sprinkles entered the picture but most us us were packed up without problems.
Before the walks filled with shoppers, the air was filled with the smell of freshly popped kettle corn. It is always delicious and this year was no exception. The 40% price hike was hard to swallow but the sweet maple flavored corn was not. According to the owner, the increase was due to higher costs to him.
My booth was just across the
There was a steady stream of people throughout the entire fair.
As I wondered around the fair, Johnie Knoles caught my eye. His pencil drawings of Einstein are superb. He is so interesting, it is sometimes hard to break away and get back to business. He has other artwork but the intricate pencil drawings were most inspiring to me. He can be contacted at (217) 206-5933 for more information about his artwork. I think he will also be participating at the "Artists on MacArthur" event this summer. Look him up and tell him you saw his work on this website.
In the theater, it is common knowledge that every actor will be upstaged by an animal on the stage. We all love to see cute or beautiful pets. I will end this blog with this shot. How could he not steal your heart?
Until I post again, Have a great summer and see you at the next Brinkerhoff event.
Dulany Sriner, webmaster