Thursday, June 21, 2007

Board members plan for upcoming events

Board members: (left to right) Sharon Norris, Penny Greek, Dore Skeels, Jane Vetter, Susan Canny (President), Nancy Nolan and Bill Vetter. Not present Kathie Wilson, John Bucari and Ron Garrett.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Everybody likes ice cream!

What could make it better? How about the Springfield Municipal Band!

So where might one find such a combination? Ice cream, along with cake, hot dogs, and brats can all be found at the Brinkerhoff Home Ice Cream Social on Friday, July 13th from 5:30 – 8:00 p.m.

Looks like everyone is having a good time. Join them on the lawn of the Brinkerhoff Home on the SCI campus, 1500 N 5th St. Springfield

Hope to see you all there. I'll be the one with a grey beard and a camera.

June Newsletter

Spring Fair - A Success

Lots of vendors, good food and many items for sale. This and good weather
make for a successful outdoors gala. Thanks to all those who helped set it up and worked. A very heartfelt thank you to all of you who attended the Fair.

Betty Smith was the winner of the 50/50 drawing.

Ice Cream Social – Friday 7-13

The Ice Cream Social will be held on Friday, July 13th from 5:30 – 8:00 p.m. The Springfield Municipal Band will perform.

Menu served will be:
Cake, ice cream and drink for $3.50 or 3 for $10.00.
Brats for $2.00
Hot Dog for $1.00.
Drinks for $.50 – lemonade, tea, coffee or water.

The cakes will be baked by volunteers using recipes from the Brinkerhoff cookbook.

Tickets for the social will be available that evening.

Cookbook Update

Cookbooks will be available to purchase for $10 at the Ice Cream Social.

Better Buys

Don’t forget to donate any unused items for the Fall Fair – September 8th. We are in need of household items. Call Nancy Nolan at 528-5087 or Micki Paine at 546-1387.


Just a reminder – there are a few members who have not paid their dues for the 2007 year. Please remit as soon as possible. If you need a membership envelope, call Nancy Nolan at 528-5087.

Victorian Tea

Keep your calendars open for the Victorian Tea to be held on Sunday, October 14th.


If you are interested in renting the Home for a wedding, reception, shower, dinner party, etc., please contact Nancy Nolan at 528-5087.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Ice cream social

The annual Brinkerhoff Ice Cream Social is less than a month away!

Be certain to put it on your calendars - Friday, July 13th from 5:30 to 8 PM on the Brinkerhoff lawn. There will be Ice Cream and Cake as the name implies but there will also be Hot dogs, brats, and drinks. So, plan to come; bring the family; step back in time to a simpler life when the ice cream social was the social event of the summer. Enjoy dinner and desert; relax and listen to the municipal band while gentle breezes rustle the leaves in the oak tree canopy above.