Sunday, May 15, 2011

Weather Holds for Annual Spring Fair

After the week-long prediction of rain for the Brinkerhoff Spring Fair, the clouds parted and the sun shone down on another successful event on the Brinkerhoff grounds. Below are some of the scenes caught in my camera viewfinder. From interesting collections to dazzling jewelry, from painted bottles to lighted yard ornaments, a diversity of color and beauty caught my eye. Join me as we walk the rows of vendors.

Where was my booth, you might ask. I believed the predictions of rain and gloom and chose not to subject my prints to the elements.  As you can see from the bright blue skies above, I was wrong. On a positive note, this gave me the opportunity to see your work and show it to the viewers of this Blog.

Inside this magnificent home, volunteers gave tours to fair goers. Above John Bucari points out a piece of furniture in the back parlor.

No matter how often I go into the house to take pictures, I always find something a little different than the time before. Either the decorations or the lighting bring a slightly different view. Below are a few of the shots I captured Saturday.

The two pictures above show my favorite room, the Library. 

Above the dining room - A Room of doors!

click here to see a layout of the home's first floor rooms along with additional home pictures. You will be taken to the Brinkerhoff website.

The Brinkerhoff Home is available for rent if you are looking for a more elegant location for a party, wedding or reception. Go to for more information. Click on Rental Space.

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